Friday, January 21, 2011

Mexican Rice... Nothing too exciting.

I haven't really made anything that amazing or that amazingly looking, but this is healthy and yummy so I thought I would post about it anyways. This is in my mother-in-law's kitchen, so if you are wondering why everything is nice (as in not apartment quality), sporting a country theme, and there is random stuff you wouldn't see at my house - that is if I had one - on the counter (mt. dew cans, cold medicine, soy sauce, toy trucks)... that's why. Also I am a terrible photographer, so I am sorry.

Mexican Rice 
This is something I make a lot because my husband loves it, it's cheap to make, and with brown rice it fills you up in no time.  This takes about 45 minutes to make because brown rice take awhile to cook.  If you wanted to use white rice you could, but I like to just wait for the brown rice while I get everything else ready and I have enough time to do all my dishes and clean up.  I would say that it could easily feed five people. We had leftovers forever after I made this and we never managed to eat it all.  I am doing this food blog because I don't really believe in recipes except for baking, so I show you what I did and I hope you will take it and make it in a way that is uniquely you that meets your likes and your needs. You have to remember that in cooking exactness doesn't always work.  There are many variables - The weather that day, the brand you used, the amount of water in the product you used, and the pan and stove you are using.  You just have to see what works for you and before you know it, it will be like you will be able to feel what you need to do next.
You will Need: 
- 1 cup of brown rice
- 2 cups of chicken broth - I would suggest Swanson as it does not contain MSG and if you get headaches a lot you really should stay away from MSG(Monosodium Glutamate).  It hides in even organic products under the name "natural flavoring" it has many many names companies use to deceive you.
- Extra water if your rice ends up being dry (This was the case for mine because it had been sitting in the pantry awhile)
- 1 Chicken Breast
- Fresh vegetables of you choice.  I like to use what I have on hand, but you can plan whatever you like.
I used green peppers and zucchini
- 1 can of black beans (I am sure any kind you like will taste amazing)
- 1 can of diced tomatoes
- Frozen or canned corn
- Cooking alcohol (this is optional and any kind will do, I used cooking Marsala today because it's what I had.  You can use the real stuff, but I don't like to appear as if I drink or be tempted to try any, and where cooking wine does not taste good to drink because it is salty that is what I like to use)
- Olive oil
- Garlic (You can use fresh but I used some pre-minced stuff)
- Salt and Pepper (this is to taste)
Things for Garnish (This is what I used)
 - 2 limes
 - cilantro
 - green onions
 - Roma tomatoes
 - Avocados
 - Sour cream
(Jalapenos would have been great but I didn't have any...)

First get the rice going.  Add two parts chicken broth to one part rice.  In other words, once cup of rice to two cups chicken broth.  This will end up being about three cups of rice. 
It may be obvious, but add them at the same time, so not like noodles where you add  them after the liquid is boiling
Haha you can see me in the pot! But anyways start it out on high and make sure that the pot has a lid to cover it or too much liquid will evaporate and it will take longer because you will have to keep adding liquid to get your rice done. 
 Keep the rice on high until the broth is boiling.  Then turn the rice down on low and return the lid back to the rice. Check on it periodically. If the broth is all gone, taste the rice and see if it is done, if it is remove the rice from the stove.  If it is not add a little more water and keep doing so until it is done. If your rice is new and you have a lid for you pot it should work out perfectly with the two to one ratio, but if your rice is old like mine, chances are you will need to add some more water.  I ended up adding about 1/2 cup more. 
Start by preparing your garnishes and other ingredients.  This is the most labor intensive part - Lots of chopping! 

Chop up your chicken breast into small cubes that are about the same size.  Chop up the veggies for the Mexican rice. 
Rinse your beans to remove extra salt and the odd textured liquid that comes in their can. This will unfortunately remove some of the water soluble vitamins - but it will still be good for you, I promise.  If you want you can just add the liquid in with everything, but I can't stand it and it discolors things.  You can't have everything.  Also set aside the amount of corn you think you want to use, or get the package open so it will be ready when you need it. Open your canned tomatoes. 

Chop up your tomatoes for the pico de gallo if  you are making some  
Start by cutting in half.  Use a serrated knife (sometimes called bread knife) if your other is dull and is squishing your tomato
Cut in strips
Cut into cubes - Nice and fast! 
Cut up the onion - Start by cutting it in half cutting through the hairy part and the tail
Peel and cut off the tail - LEAVE THE HAIRY PART.  That is side that will release most of the stuff that makes you cry. Also if you leave the onion face down the entire time you are less likely to get the fumes that make you cry - But then again some onions are just mean. 
If you can see I made one horizontal cut and several small vertical cuts, leaving the hairy part intact.  Then I just sliced off from there and I got perfect little tiny cubes.  I didn't even cry, not even one tear.  
Add some chopped up cilantro, tomato, onion, salt and pepper,  jalapeno, lime juice, and seasonings of your choice. (I used cayenne pepper and chili powder.) Mix it all up and you have pico de gallo.
Remove pit and slice up avocados

Smoosh it all up, add lime juice, and salt and pepper.
Chop up some green onions, tear off some cilantro add some of your extra limes, and put out the sour cream.  The hard part is all over. 
Preheat your pan with some olive oil in it (medium-high heat). Add garlic and cook until soft.
Add chicken and spices of your choice.  I did cumin, chili power, cayenne pepper, paprika, and oregano.  Cook chicken until done - it only takes about three minutes when they are cut up so small.  The brown sticking at the bottom is a good sign and will help make your sauce taste yummy!!! 
Add some cooking wine, I used about three-four tablespoons.  A fourth of a cup max. 
The wine will remove all the stuff stuck at the bottom. 
Add veggies and coat in seasonings and liquid from the pan
When your veggies start to get browning on them add your corn and beans .
Add diced tomatoes and cover everything in their juice.  This is also another way to get the stuff from the bottom of your pan.  If you didn't want to use alcohol in your cooking you could just wait until this point to get all the browning from the pan bottom incorporated into your dish. 
Cover and allow everything to finish cooking and some more juice to come out of the tomatoes. 
Your rice will be done about this point, add it to everything and stir it up. 
It will look about like this! 

Plate it with your favorite garnish, or let whoever is eating it put on what they like! Yes I am eating off of a kid plate...

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