Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Berry Pear Crumble

This is a really fast and super simple dessert.  It is SORT of healthy.  At least it has a lot of fruit, whole grains, and uses about a quarter of the sugar and fat I put in the normal desserts I make.  I hope that doesn't curtail you from eating my desserts after you read that... 
I wanted to eat this because of some amazing apple crisp I had at our friend's house Jake and Alora's, I just wanted more fruit crisp! Plus it was Family Home Evening - So you are suppose to have treats, right? 

You will need:
Fruit (frozen or fresh) that bakes well 
I used - Frozen blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries and fresh asian pears. 
Brown sugar (white sugar will work too, but I like the brown) 
Honey (optional) 
lemon zest (optional- my husband wasn't crazy about the flavor of it, but I thought it was the best part) 
rolled oats
flax seeds (optional) 
Nuts of your choice (also optional) 
vanilla (also optional) 
I mixed about 2 cups of oats, 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of raw cashews, and 1 Tablespoon flax seed. 

I then chopped up a 1/4 cup of cold butter and added it to the mix. 
Mix it all up into a crumbly deliciousness! Taste it and see if needs more sugar or flavoring. You could also add cinnamon or vanilla! 
Add fruit, lemon zest, and honey.  SPRINKLE with sugar, you really don't need very much for fruit - if any at all because it is so sweet. 
Spray a baking pan. 
Add your fruit. 
Add your crumbly stuff and bake in a 350 degree oven until golden brown on the top and the fruit is all juicy! 
Top with your favorite ice cream or frozen yogurt! 
It gets all melty and great! 


  1. Every woman needs a food processor! Derek got this one for Christmas for me and I LOVE IT. He was very manly about it - "So this has got a whole three quarters horse power, I got you the best one I could find."

  2. Thanks for the yummy post Brianne. We will be doing this on Sunday. I have some pears that need to be used. I also like the addition of the flax seeds.

  3. Thanks Aunt AnnJanette! I had so many pears from bountiful baskets it was silly! But they baked up really nice in this!

  4. I am SO going to try this one!! It looks GOOD!!

  5. Thank you Christine! It was really good - mmmm - Makes me kind of wish I had some right now!
