Friday, February 4, 2011

Fish in a bag adventure!

 Tilapia in a bag! This was a scary adventure for me, I was sure the bag was going to explode and catch on fire and I would catch my in-laws house on FIRE!! But I decided to proceed with this cooking method only after I looked up the smoke point of Canola oil and remembered that paper needs to be 451 degrees to burn.  I still proceeded with caution and cooked this on a low 325 degree oven and asked Douglas, my handsome father-in-law, if he thought it would be alright.  The fish practically melted in our mouths, it was really soft.  I also think this could be a fun tinfoil dinner if you wanted something healthy while camping - Although weather a tinfoil dinner can be healthy is up for debate because it is thought that since aluminum is a very reactive metal it can get in your food and poison you...   That being said, paper bag fish!
You will need: 
Paper bags - The number depends on how many you are feeding
Fish - Although I am sure it would work with chicken too.
Canola oil or vegetable oil - Any oil with a high smoke point will do (it might not be wise to use olive oil)
vegetables of your choice
spices of your choice
Coconut milk - This is also optional as I am sure you could use any number of liquids.

You want to soak your bags in some oil.  I folded them up and put them in this Tupperware so I could put the lid on and keep the paper from unfolding out of the oil.  
I let it sit like this while I prepared everything. Be sure to used bags that have not been recycled as recycled bags can have contaminates in them and are not safe to cook with. 
Get vegetables you think will taste good with your fish. I just grabbed all the stuff that needed to be used up the fridge and freezer.  I ended up with peas, corn, red and green peppers, green onions, and some cilantro. 
I also used slices of summer squash and zucchini that I sliced thinly in my food processor.   I mixed all this  up in a large bowl with a can of coconut milk, curry seasonings, and salt and pepper. It made way more than I expected so I just baked up the rest to eat for later in a baking dish. 
Remove the oil from your container, I just put it back in my oil jar, as it was still entirely clean. 
Unfold your bags - You will get messy so maybe wear short sleeves or something. 

Fill each bag with some vegetables and place your seasoned fish a top the glorious mixture. 
Our two cute little fish bags. 
Fold down the tops under the bags. 
Cook until the fish flakes and the vegetables are soft. This took awhile at 325, as in like an hour or more. But you have to do the dishes anyways right? Lift the bag off onto your plate (you will need something to stabilize the bottom, the first one I tried spilled everywhere out the bottom because the weight of the food ripped the bag, it was all wet from juices) and rip it open.  Eat out of the bag, or just dump all the delicious stuff on your plate!  Everything is so juicy, I loved this way to cook fish! 

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