Monday, February 7, 2011

Valentine's Sugar Cookies.

Maybe I shouldn't even post about this because they were not good enough to waste the calories on.  I made these for my primary class - and while the cookie had a good background butter taste it was way to sugary and turned hard.  I'm not a fan of desserts that don't include chocolate - But this is what my primary class wanted sooo I did it.  I thought some of the pictures looked kind of cute! I'm not a huge baking fan, I like cake baking and chocolate making but cookies are not my favorite.  I also think living a dry high altitude area, like I do, ruins a lot of baked goods unless you go the recipe from someone that has lived in the area for awhile that they have perfected.  The flour gets drier faster than in other areas and the altitude causes everything to fall.  If you have any great baking recipes that work in SouthEast Idaho, please give them to me. I have one chocolate cake recipe I plan on posting about on actual valentines. Wish I were a better baker. 

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