Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Gross looking pasta that tastes pretty good.

Lemony Asparagus Pasta with Salmon covered in a Orange Salsa. 
I am pasta... covered in alien monster slime. 
ll admit, this pasta doesn't look all that appetizing, the color is just a little too close to slime.  I am sure that each time it would turn out a little different color, so better luck if you decide to make it! It however tasted really really great.  I also would consider using better cheese as I was using some cheap cheese that's been frozen since summer... 

You will need: 
For the pasta 
Whole grain or vegetable pasta of your choice (any shape will be fine) 
1 lemon for juice and zest (I know I have a pile here, but they just looked pretty) 
olive oil 
Salted water 
Cheese (a kind you like and is easily melted, I used asiago and mozzarella) 
For the Salmon
Salmon (1 fillet per person) 
1 large orange per two fillets (I used two oranges and it was way to much)
Red pepper flakes 
green onions
canola oil (for the grill or pan you put them in)

Take your orange(s) and chop off the bottom and top, enough so that you can see where the flesh starts

Cut off the pith off the sides so you are down to the wet flesh. 

Get a small paring knife. 
Cut each section out so you don't have any skin, just juicy orange slices. 
It looks like this, juice will go down to the bottom and that is okay it helps make a sauce. 
Take the centers you have and squeeze the juice out into a bowl or bag and save for later. 
Drizzle over some olive oil on your sections. 
Add green onions, minced parsley and mint, red pepper flakes, and some salt and pepper if you so desire. 
Mix and set aside in the fridge to let all the flavors meld together.  You will put this on at the very end after you grill the salmon. For now - we start the pasta. 
Get a pot of water onto boil and salt it. Chop off the woody ends from your asparagus. 
Chop off the tops, set aside.
Put the bottoms in a pot of water for 5-6 minutes until tender. 
Take them out with a slotted spoon and rinse them with cold water.  Set aside. 
Put tops in the same water, but only for 2 minutes. 
Also rinse these with cold water and keep separate from bottoms. 

Start your pasta in the same water. It will be green, but it will add even more flavor/vitamins to your pasta. 
Put bottoms in a food processor with garlic, about two tablespoons of oil oil,  and the juice and zest of one lemon.  Blend into a sauce. 
When your pasta is done, add about a cup of the hot remaining pasta water and the cheese you desire, it really is optional you could leave it out if you wanted and just have a nice bright green sauce that is less fattening. 
Ta-da - monster alien slime. 
Get your grill or pan heated up and oiled with canola oil. 
Put your salmon in with the orange juice you saved, juice of one lemon, and honey.  You don't want fish to sit in anything acidic for more than like 5-10 minutes because it will actually start to cook and harden the fish. I basically just coated it with this. 
Put your salmon on the grill - ignore that it's all random sizes.  That's just how the cheap stuff comes. 
Add asparagus and sauce together. 
Mix to make your super gross looking monster alien slimed guts. 
When you can see the fish is half way cooked through flip it over. 
With all the charred glory. Cook the other side.
Add the orange salsa and there you go. All done. 

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